MMBC Youth Group

MMBC Youth Group Values
We want each student that walks through our doors to feel known and valued. We want them to know that they have people that care about them and notice when they don’t come. To achieve this, we use leaders that will provide a safe and nurturing Godly environment. Every week, before, after and even during service, there will be opportunities to meet new people and help them know that they belong here. We will work hard to make our youth group a loving Christian Community.
We will make sure that every student that that comes to youth group will be given an opportunity to know who Jesus is, what He did for us, & and how to accept Him as Lord and Savior. Lord meaning that He is our Boss and accept His commandments and will follow them closely. Savior meaning He has saved us from our sins and Eternal Damnation and given us the beautiful opportunity for Eternal Salvation.
We have leaders that give messages geared specifically for the lives of our students in hopes that they gain a relationship with Jesus and continually grow. Our youth group aims to help students learn how to study their Bible, to apply the Bible to their everyday life and to have a personal relationship with the Lord. We will talk about topics teenagers will encounter in their lives and show students what God has to say about them.
We use singing through worship to help students really understand God’s love for them and the power of the Bible in a way that’s different than someone simply speaking. If you come to one of our services, you’ll see a vibrant and passionate community of students expressing their love for Jesus and dedication to Him through songs and prayer.
We as a youth group will also encounter the topic of service. We will do this by Serving God and Serving Others. We will serve God in many aspects such as: shut-in and seasoned member service projects, church cleanup days, setting up the tent for events, Bates Creek cleanup days, singing and decorating at nursing homes for Christmas, Walk Through Bethlehem, & Children’s Fair.